Loving me some technology!
There are more and more
products, not specifically designed for persons with disabilities, which have
great applications for PWDs (people with disabilities). I recently
found Flic. It’s a one inch button that
wirelessly connects to a smartphone or Iphone that can be programmed to
do a
number of tasks, including turning smart lights on and off, making phone
or sending texts with a click. Imagine being able to call for help when
you can't reach your communication device! We are using Flic to send a
text that says "I need HELP" and shows where you are located.
It costs less than $35 on Amazon. Did you know – if you shop online at Amazon, they will donate 0.5% of
the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization
selected by you (I hope you will choose New Voices Foundation!). https://smile.amazon.com/ Same products and prices as the regular amazon site.